Hi Virginia Blair!

You have had a busy couple of weeks! You gained a middle name (we decided on "Blair" after your aunt, and she is just so thrilled to be part of your namesake), you went to your first Mardi Gras and you finally have a nursery. You had a doctor's appointment last week, and your heart beat sounds perfect (again, naturally) and my blood pressure is normal, which is good. We also felt you kick for the first time! I still can't feel you unless I'm pushing down on my stomach, but you're definitely moving around in there. You have been getting a lot of loving these past few weeks too! Your gifts are pouring in, and everyone is just so excited about you :)
Me and your aunt Sarah at Eat Nola; your dad and me catching you some beads!
your dad feeling you kick for the first time (we are celebrating Valentine's with uncle JAT, aunt Liddy and Molly!) 
Here is a sneak peak at all of the precious gifts people have been sending you...
Ok, so I bought you this sleep outfit, but it was too adorable to pass up.

Molly bought you these adorable things when we were out shopping over the weekend. This little lamb blanket is the softest thing! Now I just need to get your furniture and bedding ordered...plan on tackling that over the weekend!