Visit From MM and Honey & BB

Auntie MM came out to visit while your daddy was in New York for work! She hadn't seen you since you were born! She had so much fun playing with you, and she even made your Halloween costume.

 We took some great pictures with the pumpkins at Larkspur Landing.

 Look how adorable your Strawberry Shortcake costume is!!!! I can't wait to see you in the whole thing.

When Honey and BB were here, we went to Sonoma for some wine tasting. You did great - even on the dune buggy ride up the mountain!

 You're sitting up all by yourself! Such a big girl :)

Happy 4 Months!

Hi there big girl! Let's talk about four're smiling and giggling all the time. You really like your bumbo chair, because you can see a whole new world around you. You roll over. And you finally enjoy tummy time! (sort of) Having said all of that, you're also much more restless in your sleep, since you're moving around more. This has not been fun for your parents :) But it's so fun seeing you smile all day long and knowing that you're taking everything in around you. You love being outside and looking at new things. Enjoy your 4 month photos!

You had your 4-month check up this morning too. You're in the 75th percentile for height still, but dropped to 50% for weight. No biggie. You did great with your shots again!

Your Sip & See

While we were in Louisiana, you had a little sip and see for family friends to finally see your sweet face in person. It was perfect. You were perfect. Everyone loved you :)

You were wiped at the end of the day! This was also the end of a very long week for you. So sweet.

Update and First Trip to Louisiana

You've been busy the past couple of weeks! We took you home to Louisiana, and you were quite the traveler, again!

 improvised TT...this seems to work for you

 dinner with jatty

 meeting your daddy after work for walks in the city

 You love your new playmat! You're all about kicking your legs around, so this is great for you.

 You're getting so big!

 first TCU game....we were late and your dad did not want to stop for pictures.  Too bad, now he just looks funny :)

 hanging out with your cousin!

 your favorite book

 holding your bottle all by yourself!

 flying home

 It's getting really chilly in the mornings, and I've realized they dont make casual baby clothes with legs! At least none that I've seen.  So I found these adorable leg warmers that are perfect! Very 80s, but super cute and practical!
You love reading.  You are finally willing to sit still and read with us, which has been so fun.  Here we are at the corte madera shopping center.  They have great courtyards with coffee shops and fire pits, so I thought it would be a nice change from our living room.