A Day in Your Life

You are having so much fun these days! You love moving around, and you'll probably be walking soon. You keep yourself super busy with your toys and trying to climb on different pieces of furniture. And while it's nice to relax at home part of the day, I really like to get out with you. You LOVE going out. Shocking :) You smile at everyone and have the most fun looking at new things. There are lots of libraries around here with story time throughout the week, so we will go to that at least twice. And then you like going to the JCC for "gym babies" where you can climb around on big mats.

Here's what you're up to these days...

 enjoying being on your daddy's shoulders

story time at the san anselmo library

falling asleep while drinking your last bottle of the day (your dad does this sometimes too!)

playing around the house

gym babies
And that's your typical week! Love you happy girl!