Family Visits, Ten-Month Birthday and Your First Easter

 You had so much fun with your Bryan/Thomas relatives! Everyone took such good care of you and loved seeing how much you've grown up and changed since Christmas.
Hanging out in the vineyard at Larson Family Winery

 playing in grass for the first time

 loving your first wagon ride!

 love you soooo  much :)

You looked so pretty in your Easter dress. We had to stand outside at church because there wasn't enough room for everyone inside. You had a blast watching all of the older kids run around, and you even did a little walking yourself!

 playing with pops
 shopping with Aunt B

 family pics with aunt maagie and jatty

You also turned 10 months old on Easter! You're about to walk, which is crazy. But I'm ready for you to get off of your hands :) You're loving music and dancing - anytime a song comes on, you want to dance. And you recognize songs. The "Mickey Mouse Club House" and "Hot Dog" songs that start and end Mickey Mouse Club literally light up your face and you start swaying back and forth.

Any time you do something you're excited about it, you turn to us to show us how excited your are and to see our reaction. It looks like your little face can't hold your smile sometimes because it's so big. It's contagious :)

You're super social. You can play by yourself, but you want someone in the room with you. As soon as I've left the room you're in, you're off looking for me. At music class, you're the only baby who leaves my lap to go talk to other babies and parents. You usually visit every baby in their parents' lap before class is over.

You totally understand what we're saying these days. The things I know for sure that you understand are throwing Lola's ball, throwing a ball with me, giving your baby or someone else a kiss, waving bye bye, splashing in the tub and "move your feet" (that's what you interpret as walking).

You say mama, dada and some "gagagagag" thing that you just like to mumble a lot :) You're still in your 6 month clothes (even some of your 3-6 month clothes), which is great because we haven't wasted any money on clothes for you!

We love you so much! Your Bourgeois family comes in tomorrow, so get excited!