You Are Two Months Old

Dear Virginia,

(sorry this is a couple of weeks late)...You're two months old. Here is a list of things you've accomlished in your second month:

Self-soothing - this is HUGE! You have found your fists and thumb and have put yourself to sleep a few times sucking on them. If you aren't falling asleep, you at least entertain yourself for a while.

You hold your head up so well. One of the first things people say when they meet you is how alert you are and how great your head control is. Since you're our first, we have nothing to compare your growth and development to. So it's nice to hear other people comment and give us feedback! Apparently, you're doing great.

You sleep so well. You average one "wake up/feeding" per night. Sometimes you'll stir a bit outside of that feeding, but you quickly go back to sleep with a pacifier or your thumb. Other nights, you'll amaze us and sleep through the entire night! (thank you)

You went on your first plane ride (and you were great!).

You had your first babysitter (thank you Andi!). You were great for her too.

You've discovered Lola. You're super curious about her. I can't wait for y'all to be able to play together.

You watched your first Saints game.

We have nicknamed you Curious George. When we take you out, you are usually awake and looking around at everything. You're perfectly happy as long as we have you facing out so you can see what is happening around you.

You LOVE it when I sing to you. If I sing you a song (right now we are focusing on Disney songs), you immediately start smiling and are so happy. So we sing pretty much all day long.

You love TV. I'm pretty sure it's the light you're fascinated by, but let's be're probably going to be a TV junkie like your mom.

You have the most infectious smile. Your dad said it perfectly when he said you smile with your whole face. It's adorable.

Ok, I promise to post these monthly milestone updates on time in the future! For now, here is your two-month photo shoot...

 You have the most beautiful eyes.

Love you.


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