9 Months and Nursery Stuff

We are in the 4-week countdown. We've packed our hospital bags just in case! The rocker even arrived (not sure that was ever going to happen). The delivery guys were nice enough to move the futon to the garage for me, so we were able to move the rest of the furniture to their permanent spots!We still have a few little nursery projects to complete:
  • hanging pictures
  • installing bookshelves
We plan to tackle those this weekend, and then we are officially DONE. I go to the doctor every week now (first weekly appointment this morning), so I hope she's able to give us some kind of idea of how I'm progressing and a better timeline for when this might actually happen (doubtful).

Robby working hard on placing our wall decal "grow chart".
 To say that this rocker was worth the wait and the extra money would be an understatement. We LOVE it.


 I know you're wondering...where are those mega bows??? They look like floppy elephant ears when I tie them, so I'm waiting on Molly to get here and properly hang them :)

 We have some curtains for this window too...
 Those pictures will go above the crib (this weekend).
This unfinished area will be a little play space. We're putting the bookshelves here, and I have a really fun wall decal from Etsy that will go on the wall. We don't have a ton of floor space around the house (we literally have our living and dining room downstairs and then the two bedrooms upstairs). So it was important to me that we use as much of the nursery space for things like play mats and other developmental toys. And it's just nice that we don't have to keep that stuff in the living room or other parts of our house! I feel sooooo much better now that the room has come together.

Nursery Paintings

I ordered these three prints from Etsy, and they are so sweet. I found frames for them yesterday, and I can't wait to hang them above the crib! Of course, hanging them requires the crib to be in its forever place, which can't happen until the futon is gone. I'm sooooo over this futon.

Baby Bedding

The bedding has arrived! It exceeded all expectations :)

 The bumper pads are double sided and in six different panels so I can alternate which fabric I want to show.

 I really wanted the skirt to puddle a lot at first. Once we move the crib down to lower levels we can adjust it.

9 Months

As promised, we bought Virginia a little present for turning another month old! We went with books this time. Her closet is filling up (finally), but her library needs a little work.

Love me some Dr. Seuss! She'll also need Winnie the Pooh and Berenstein Bears...and I saw Amelia Bedelia books at the store too! That's jumping the gun a bit, but I LOVED those books. Can't wait to read them with her!

Getting Ready

Dear Virginia,

Your "coming home" outfit is all ready to go and hanging up in your room! I've spent this week organizing and washing all of your clothes, blankets, sheets and towels. We can't believe we only have seven weeks left!

We couldn't resist trying one of your diaper covers on Lola. Don't worry, we washed it :)
You're moving around all the time lately! I think it's a sign you're ready to come out and meet us. So the goal is to have everything finished by the end of May. Everyone is starting to plan their trip out in June to meet you!


Remember when we were trying to decide between the iron crib and the wooden crib (one much more expensive than the other). After considering everything, I decided the wooden crib was the practical choice and so that's what we went with. And here we go again...

I had big plans to get this beautiful moses basket and stand to keep in our room for those first few weeks (months, whatever, who's counting?!) that Virginia is sleeping in our room. I found this one and fell in love....

I mean, how precious is that? It rocks too, and so I thought it would be very practical...if she's crying, we can just reach over and rock her for a bit to hopefully calm her down. But mostly it just is really sweet and I wanted it :)

Then I found out about the Rock n Play Sleeper (dang). The reviews were all great: it really cups the baby so they can't move around a lot and they feel warm/secure; it sits at an incline, which is nice for babies who have acid reflux or sinus problems; it also rocks. Oh, and it folds up for great storage. The folding up thing is really what sold us on it. While we did move to a large place, we still don't have a ton of storage space, so thinking about where that big basket and stand was going to go after Virginia has moved in to her room was a scary thought. And it was like, a third of the price of the bassinette.
So once again, we have gone with the practical option. I, of course, am still thinking about that sweet moses basket, but I know the Rock n Play was the way to go (do I always have to be my father's daughter?!?! jk, love you dad!) Anyway, the point is that she will look adorable no matter what she's sleeping in. (this isn't the exact one we bought, but i couldn't find that picture online)

And once we are out of this limbo stage in life and move in to a more permanent home, I am going all out decorating a beautiful, girly room for Miss Virginia ;)