
Remember when we were trying to decide between the iron crib and the wooden crib (one much more expensive than the other). After considering everything, I decided the wooden crib was the practical choice and so that's what we went with. And here we go again...

I had big plans to get this beautiful moses basket and stand to keep in our room for those first few weeks (months, whatever, who's counting?!) that Virginia is sleeping in our room. I found this one and fell in love....

I mean, how precious is that? It rocks too, and so I thought it would be very practical...if she's crying, we can just reach over and rock her for a bit to hopefully calm her down. But mostly it just is really sweet and I wanted it :)

Then I found out about the Rock n Play Sleeper (dang). The reviews were all great: it really cups the baby so they can't move around a lot and they feel warm/secure; it sits at an incline, which is nice for babies who have acid reflux or sinus problems; it also rocks. Oh, and it folds up for great storage. The folding up thing is really what sold us on it. While we did move to a large place, we still don't have a ton of storage space, so thinking about where that big basket and stand was going to go after Virginia has moved in to her room was a scary thought. And it was like, a third of the price of the bassinette.
So once again, we have gone with the practical option. I, of course, am still thinking about that sweet moses basket, but I know the Rock n Play was the way to go (do I always have to be my father's daughter?!?! jk, love you dad!) Anyway, the point is that she will look adorable no matter what she's sleeping in. (this isn't the exact one we bought, but i couldn't find that picture online)

And once we are out of this limbo stage in life and move in to a more permanent home, I am going all out decorating a beautiful, girly room for Miss Virginia ;)

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