Two Month Vaccines

We took you to the doctor this morning for your two-month vaccines (you're getting them a little early since we are going to Fort Worth in a few weeks). You did so great! You cried when you got the shots, but you were fine as soon as your dad picked you up for a hug. You were even smiling again before we left :)

You've been smiling SO MUCH! It's really fun when you're awake and in a good mood. I tried to start sleep training you this week, but I think you're a little young for that. It requires you eating every 4 hours instead of every 3 hours. But you've started stretching that first part of the night on your own, so we're going to stick with what we're doing for now.

You're still loving your bath time. We can't wait for you to be able to sit in the tub on your own so you can really splash around and play! Here are a few pictures from this past week...

 Hmm...this was after the first night I tried sleep training you and you revolted by waking up every 1.5 hours. You wouldn't know it from this picture taken just a few hours in to the day though! Chubby cheeks :)
 It's cold here this month! We had to buy you a little cardigan. I've started buying you something every time we go to Target :) It's purple, naturally...I figured your dad would have less of a problem with the impulse purchase if it was purple.

 At the doctor (pre shots).

 Is dad telling you what's about to happen???

 Post shots. You were such a rock star though! You were smiling again in no time.


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