7 Weeks

I cant believe you're seven weeks old! Every week you are more alert and you're growing so much.  You finally fill out some of your clothes! What you've been up to tjis week....

You're really awake and playful in the mornings. It's so fun watching you laugh, smile and socialize with me.  We have conversations :) And sometimes you are really good and let me do a photo shoot!

You figured out the pooping thing! You went on pooping strike during weeks 5 and 6, which was traumatizing for your dad and me.  Not fun giving your baby medicine for that sort of thing!

You went to the Facebook Summer Party with guncle JAT. 

You're sleeping for five hours during the first night stretch!!! All week we have put you down between 9 and 10 p.m., and you don't wake up until 2:30 a.m.  It's wonderful. Please continue to stretch that.

 still have ctazy hair

being sweet while I type this post

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