You're Changing So Much....

Hi little one! Over the past two weeks you are smiling so much (like we've figured out how to trigger your smiles so they're almost guaranteed) and you are so much more alert. You're loving bath time. We started a "bedtime routine" this week, which you seem to enjoy. We give you a bath, put you in pj's and walk you around a bit until you fall asleep. Eventually we will read you a book during this time, but at the moment, you aren't a huge fan of just sitting around while you're awake :)

You went to your first play date yesterday with the Fairfax Moms' Group. It was so great to see what other babies are doing (and it confirmed how advanced and adorable you are, duh!). You slept most of the time, but it was nice for me to visit with other new moms. And I will just say that I'm pretty sure your play dates in FW would be verrrrry different from your west coast play dates. I'll leave it at that :)

Here's a few pictures of what you've been up to....

Look at your little attitude in this picture....yikes
 You love your mobile (thank goodness). When I want to shower or do something quickly, I can put you in here, turn this on and you're good for at least 5 minutes :)

 You don't love tummy time so much! Really you don't mind it, but you were not having it this day!

 Relaxing in your boppy pillow...pretty sure this is your fave daytime activity.

Smiling away in your swing! Since you're noticing things more, the mobile on the swing is finally entertaining you :)

I can't believe you'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow!

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