Week Two

Dear V,

You're growing and have found your voice (unfortunately!). Kidding. Sort of :) You went from sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night to 2.5-3. Which is fine if you'll go back to sleep right after you eat. Sometimes you like to fuss for about 30-45 minutes and your dad gets to settle you down. I think you just like that time with your daddy, so you fuss on purpose :) You are still such a good baby though! We can't complain. You eat like a champ, you're filling out and you let us take you out and about. You've even been pretty tolerant of Lola, who is slowly starting to get over her fear of you.

Here are some pictures from your second week:

 I LOVE this picture of you! You look super surprised and it cracks me up for some reason.
 Go Team! Future cheerleader maybe???
 4th of July lounging...your dark blue eyes matched this dress perfectly.

 First Sbux outing (among many, I'm sure). Dad goes back to work on Monday (sad!), so I took you out by myself for the first time so I'm fully capable it's just you and me! This outing taught me one thing: I need a sling ASAP. The stroller is way too big for little outings like this!
 First happy hour! We got out for an early dinner last night. We got two glasses of wine in before you lost it. Which was just the amount of time we needed out of the house. So thank you :)
And then we crashed. You don't looooove to go back to sleep after your last feeding. So one of us usually gets up with you, but we decided to stay in bed since it's Saturday! Lazy morning :)

Happy two weeks little one.


  1. Courtney....I LOVE the last picture of the two of you. You look so peaceful (and you are sleeping on your back...no fair!). Couldn't be happier for the B family :)

  2. HA I feel like I follow up to all of Haddy's comments, but DITTO to what she said, that last picture is sooooo precious!
