Hello Virginia :)

You're here! Welcome to our world :) You're 10 days old now, and we have loved every minute since you're arrival. I want you to know everything about your first week, so I'll start at the beginning...

We got to the hospital around 1 p.m. and after filling out some paper work and getting hooked up to a monitor to watch your little heart rate, we headed in to the labor and delivery room. We had a room with a great view, and it was really nice outside, so we kept the windows open the entire time (I say this because windows would never be open in a labor room in Fort Worth in June!). I got an epidural, the broke my water and about five hours later you were in our arms. It was the easiest delivery. First time labors typically last for about 15-20 hours and you push for an average of 3-4 hours. So I feel very blessed that things progressed so quickly and you were apparently ready to come out, because I only had to push for about 45 minutes! So thank you for making things easy :)

The next 24 hours went by so quickly. We moved to a recovery room and tried to get some sleep. You needed to eat (or attempt to eat) every 3 hours, and we were way too anxious about you being here to get much sleep. Once the morning came around, the nurses brough you back to us and we got to hang out with you for the entire day. Since I was resting and focused on learning how to feed you, your dad focused on mastering the swaddle and changing diapers. He's still doing the majority of that, and I think you prefer his swaddling, because you always fuss with mine!

You were healthy and I was recovering on track, so we left the hospital Saturday morning. We were actually there for less than 24 hour, which is crazy. We drove you home across the Golden Gate bridge (which was terrifying for the first time), and your Honey was waiting for us with balloons and flowers.

Moving on to the first few days at home...you are such a good baby! The first few nights you slept for 3-4 hour stretches, ate within 30 minutes and went back down pretty easily. If you were fussy after you ate, your dad would sit up with you and calm you down while I went back to sleep. We've continued this routine, but you're getting up more frequently to eat (about every 2-2.5 hours)....you're always hungry! But this is a good thing. You're healthy and growing like you should and I know a lot of newborns struggle with eating and gaining weight.

You're so beautiful! You have the prettiest skin, a full head of hair and huge dark blue eyes. You're slowly starting to be awake for longer periods during the day, and we love it when your big eyes are exploring the room and us.

You've had lots of visitors since you arrived! Honey was here for the first two nights, and Aunt MM, Molly and dad were here all last week (they haven't settled on their grandparent names); and of course uncle JAT was here! Everyone loves you so much!

Here are some pictures from your first week....

 your daddy's master swaddle skills

 our first "real" morning with you (after your first day)

 coming home from the hospital!


 look at all of your hair!
 first pediatrician visit
 afternoon dance party

 this is our favorite picture of you! you're so alert and we can see your big blue eyes :)

 your first walk - Larkspur


 dad can't wait to get you in the duck blind
 first breakfast outing

first time grilling
You have your newborn photo session tomorrow. Maybe you should let us all get some decent sleep tonight ;).

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