Are You There, Virginia? It's Me...Your Mom

Dear Virginia,

You must be cozy where you are, because you still have not made your debut :) I am so thankful that you have been a breeze to carry around the past nine months. But your dad and I are so anxious to meet you that we can't stand waiting around much longer. Do you think you'll be coming out soon???

Your movements are so constant and precise that we know exactly where you are and what you're doing. We mostly just feel your little legs and feet poking around since you are officially out of room to move much of anything else. We get the biggest kick out of your movements lately because we can feel them and see them.

We can't wait to meet you and hold you! We talk about whose features you will get and what personality traits you'll inherit from each of us. We celebrated your dad's first father's day yesterday. Everyone just knew you were going to be a Father's Day baby, but you decided to hold out! We had a great time celebrating you and your dad anyway though. He is going to take such good care of you, and already loves you to the moon and back.

Here are a few pictures of your dad for you...
 celebrating his first Father's Day...isn't he cute???
 hard at work making your nursery perfect :)
 practicing swaddling for you
and he knows how to have fun!
Hopefully we will see you soon. Love, Mom.

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