
Well, Ginny, today is supposedely the day we get to meet you.  I say supposedly only because we're checking into the hospital at 12:30 PM and it's very possible that you won't come within 11.5 hours of that time.  You may have noticed that you were referred to here as "Ginny"--that's right, your dad is writing this post.  And get used to that nickname because it's going to stick whether your mother likes it or not.  Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to marry you off to Harry Potter in the future.

I think we (your mother) are prepared for everything that could come up in the next 3-4 days. We have our bags in the car, your mom has of course packed some snacks, and we have our music playlist prepped which is appropriately titled "Labor Pains."  There is lots of Jimmy Buffett on this playlist, too, so I hope you like it.  Oh, and your Honey was able to catch a last minute flight and will likely beat us to the hospital!!  I don't quite know what to expect, but I cannot wait to meet you and hold you for the first time.  I am really just hoping that I don't pass out at any point today.

I think your mom is also surprised that I've shut down my work computer even though I could squeeze another 1-1.5 hours in before we leave for the hospital.  I want you to know that I have always said that I will stop working as hard as I do once I have children.  Well, that starts today.  Please help your mom to hold me to that promise because I do not intend to break it although I can let it get carried away at times.  Just slap me if you feel the need to put back in place.

Let's talk about Lola.  I'm pretty sure she is not completely up to speed on how her world is about to be rocked.  And I'm pretty sure she thinks everything we have done to your room was actually for her....we just expertly placed her bed in the middle of it all so that she can enjoy being surrounded by stuffed animals that at some point we will let her play with.  Also, she's very excited that we have a new bed for her new stuffed animals in the form of a crib.  In the long run, I think she will come around to you, but just don't take those "are you kidding me" stares that she will give you when you cry to heart.  She can really be sweet and a Diva all at the same time...just look at the pictures below.

 This was Tuesday night when we thought we would have you on Wednesday.  She and I were getting one last nap in before you came to the world to ruin our sleep cycles.
Your mom caught her in this photo in her room before it became your room.

Ok, time for me to sign off and get ourselves together for the trip to the hospital.  We cannot wait to meet you and are looking forward to starting our family with you...and Lola.  We will be back soon to update you post-birth.

Mom and Dad


  1. love, love, love this post, robby. you are going to be an amazing dad. Ginny & Lola are both lucky to have you and Courtney in their lives. now go have that baby!!!!!!

  2. Oh my goodness, I have tears! This is incredibly sweet, you all are the sweetest family! Can't wait to meet your sweet baby girl!
