One Month!

Crazy that a month has gone by since we brought you home! Your dad has been back at work for two weeks now, so it's just me and you during the day :)  Here's what a day looks like for us:

You wake up to eat around 5:30 or 6 a.m. After this feeding, I let you go back to sleep in bed with me :) Mostly because I don't want to risk having to settle you down if you aren't willing to immediately pass out...but I also enjoy cuddling with you (and you typically go right to sleep if you're laying on me!). You get up again around 7:30, and then we're up for the day!

You eat, fall asleep for about 1.5 hours and then are awake for about 30 minutes. Rinse and repeat :) You started staying awake longer and being very alert last week. That's been really fun, because you're making new facial expressions and even smiling a little! Yesterday I realized that if I move your legs around like you're riding a bike, you start laughing. You think that's soooo funny. Easily amused I guess!

You're still being really good. You haven't fussed for more than a few minutes. Fortunately we're always able to calm you down - I will say that we give you gas drops if nothing else seems to work and they're great! It's like an instant sedative. You love them. So we love them.

Your great aunts are here this week, and they ADORE you. Oh my gosh. They're babysitting you tonight, so we can have a date night. Some pictures from the last couple of weeks...

 Gloria Ferrer

 relaxing with dad on your fave pillow
 one of your many naps...again on your fave pillow

 I swear I didn't leave you like this - you put yourself in this awkward position!

 sweet morning time (Lola is sort of annoying that you're still here)
 hmm....your dad clearly dressed you this morning
 meeting the aunts!
 enjoying the wine country

 looking lovingly at you :)
looking cute (you, not me!)

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