Bourgeois Visit and Your Baptism

There are a lot of pictures in this post, but I want to make sure everything was captured! You had your big day last Sunday! You were baptized at St. Anselms Catholic Church where we've been taking you for the past few months. You never cried or got fussy, but you sure were squirmy! We expected that though :) We spent most of our time passing you back and forth to keep you entertained.

 your proud god parents

 marking a cross on your forehead

 like I said...squirmy!

 you weren't so sure about getting water poured on your head, but you made it through!

 we lit a candle for you, and we have the candle now so we can light it at future events and explain all of this to you

 touchdown, you finished!

You had so much fun playing with cousin SJ...

 You went to the Discovery Museum with Honey

You started doing a touch down move last week, and you haven't stopped...

 Having fun in Napa

 This was the only full length picture I could get of you in your christening outfit. Grandma Beth gave you a cross necklace that you can wear when you're older, Aunt Diane gave you a special cross pin and Honey gave you a gold bracelet to wear for the special occasion. You're a lucky girl!

We had jambalaya and cake after the ceremony, and everyone had a great time celebrating you!

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