
 Just a little update...we are slowly telling people about you and they are just so excited! We are really lucky to have friends who care about us so much.

 Andi brought over these beautiful flowers and some cream puffs to celebrate right after we went to the doctor and realized you were an actual baby and not just a tadpole :)

 And this arrived in the mail from everyone at Country Day about three days after they heard the news :) I think they're ready for you to be part of of the family!

And your aunt Sarah was out here this weekend, and she just can't wait to spoil you either! Get excited.

In other news, I've been TRYING to eat really healthy food. Since I seem to have no problem indulging in any sweet that crosses my path (which is weird, because I tend to crave more substantial food), I'm trying to make up for that by coming up with new, healthy meals. I started making my own little parfait (because really the ones at the store or Starbucks are super fattening). This may be my new fave breakfast.

low-fat vanilla yogurt, homemade granola bars, fresh fruit and a little honey

My clothes still fit (see the pants), but by the afternoon, they are really tight. Not sure how much longer I'll be wearing these :(  Maybe I should think about staying away from the sweets and I could hang out in them in a bit longer....hmm, thought.

But these pants have been such a life saver! They are completely spandex, but look like legit riding pants. L-O-V-I-N-G

While my pants still fit, you can definitely tell I have a little pooch coming through. Boo...but it's cute :) Other than that, you seem to have just given me major sinus issues. Still no morning sickness, whoohooo! But if we don't get through this last week of the first trimester without kicking this head cold business, I am indulding in some serious sudafed...counting down the days until that's acceptable to take!

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