Welcome To Your Blog!

Hello there. I have to say I was a little surprised when I found out you were entering this world...your timing was definitely something I will remember! Call it a mother's intuition (or not), but despite all obvious factors that I SHOULDN'T be pregnant, I just felt like I was pregnant. And as soon as the thought entered my mind, I had to take a test. Like, I had to leave work in the middle of the day, walk down the street to Target and pee on a stick in the public restroom. Yep. Super classy. And I'm classy. You'll see :) Your aunt MM and uncle JAT were staying with us for an entire week in our tiny, one-bathroom apartment, so finding out I was pregnant was just par for the course with that week of chaos, I suppose! So while it is unfortunate that I had to find out I was pregnant in a Target bathroom and then was forced to tell your father on a street corner downtown (again, lack of privacy in our apartment that week), knowing that you existed immediately put smiles on our faces.

We will have made it through the first trimester in just four days. Which is amazing, since just a week ago, we thought you were only seven weeks old! Turns out you've been hanging out for a bit longer than we knew. We had our first doctor's appointment last Friday, and we were super surprised to find out we were almost eleven weeks along instead of seven. Fortunately, you seem to be very healthy. And what a relief to only have two more weeks of the feared first trimester instead of six! I haven't had any major sickness - mostly I've just been really tired and you've decided to give me headaches in the afternoon (let's be honest, that could also be lack of caffeine) and my clothes still fit! Since I'm a bit excited (impatient) and I love to share things with friends and family, I was very happy to know we were practically in the "safe zone" and we were that much closer to meeting you.

I want to keep these posts short and sweet (current post excluded, but it's the first one!), but I will try to capture all of the fun steps along this journey with you. It's still really early in to things, and so we've only told our closest friends about you. We are so lucky to have so many great friends who are thrilled about our news...and I can already tell you are going to be super spoiled (which is probably not ok with your dad, but perfectly fine with me!).  Bye for now!

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