18 Weeks!

Happy 18 Weeks Baby Bouge! We get to find out if you're a boy or girl in just five days (eeek!). Then we can start calling you by your name :) According to my neat preggo app, you are about the size of a bell pepper...guess we will see for sure next Monday! And here's what I look like these days:

I finally started looking around for strollers, baby carriers and other necessary items to tote you around town. That is quite overwhelming. So instead I opted for putting that off until your dad could be there (he decided to throw out his back this weekend; no big deal), and I started focusing more on toys and books and cute things for your nursery :)

A store on Fillmore (MudPie) had the cutest vintage section!

 I had something like this when I was a kid. No idea who gave it to me, but I definitely remember it. So cute and I will be going back to purchase.

And these little blocks and stuffed animals are so sweet! I don't know that I want anything like this in the nursery, but I thought they were really fun. Clearly I'm shopping in the boy section! We need Monday's appointment to get here ASAP.

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