You're Changing So Much....

Hi little one! Over the past two weeks you are smiling so much (like we've figured out how to trigger your smiles so they're almost guaranteed) and you are so much more alert. You're loving bath time. We started a "bedtime routine" this week, which you seem to enjoy. We give you a bath, put you in pj's and walk you around a bit until you fall asleep. Eventually we will read you a book during this time, but at the moment, you aren't a huge fan of just sitting around while you're awake :)

You went to your first play date yesterday with the Fairfax Moms' Group. It was so great to see what other babies are doing (and it confirmed how advanced and adorable you are, duh!). You slept most of the time, but it was nice for me to visit with other new moms. And I will just say that I'm pretty sure your play dates in FW would be verrrrry different from your west coast play dates. I'll leave it at that :)

Here's a few pictures of what you've been up to....

Look at your little attitude in this picture....yikes
 You love your mobile (thank goodness). When I want to shower or do something quickly, I can put you in here, turn this on and you're good for at least 5 minutes :)

 You don't love tummy time so much! Really you don't mind it, but you were not having it this day!

 Relaxing in your boppy pillow...pretty sure this is your fave daytime activity.

Smiling away in your swing! Since you're noticing things more, the mobile on the swing is finally entertaining you :)

I can't believe you'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow!

One Month!

Crazy that a month has gone by since we brought you home! Your dad has been back at work for two weeks now, so it's just me and you during the day :)  Here's what a day looks like for us:

You wake up to eat around 5:30 or 6 a.m. After this feeding, I let you go back to sleep in bed with me :) Mostly because I don't want to risk having to settle you down if you aren't willing to immediately pass out...but I also enjoy cuddling with you (and you typically go right to sleep if you're laying on me!). You get up again around 7:30, and then we're up for the day!

You eat, fall asleep for about 1.5 hours and then are awake for about 30 minutes. Rinse and repeat :) You started staying awake longer and being very alert last week. That's been really fun, because you're making new facial expressions and even smiling a little! Yesterday I realized that if I move your legs around like you're riding a bike, you start laughing. You think that's soooo funny. Easily amused I guess!

You're still being really good. You haven't fussed for more than a few minutes. Fortunately we're always able to calm you down - I will say that we give you gas drops if nothing else seems to work and they're great! It's like an instant sedative. You love them. So we love them.

Your great aunts are here this week, and they ADORE you. Oh my gosh. They're babysitting you tonight, so we can have a date night. Some pictures from the last couple of weeks...

 Gloria Ferrer

 relaxing with dad on your fave pillow
 one of your many naps...again on your fave pillow

 I swear I didn't leave you like this - you put yourself in this awkward position!

 sweet morning time (Lola is sort of annoying that you're still here)
 hmm....your dad clearly dressed you this morning
 meeting the aunts!
 enjoying the wine country

 looking lovingly at you :)
looking cute (you, not me!)

Happy Three Weeks!

Dear Virginia,

You are three weeks old! Time flies. Here are some things you (and we) accomplished this week:

You had your two-week check up with the doctor. They wanted you to gain at least an ounce each day. You surpassed that! You weighed 6 lbs 10 oz on July 1, and you weight 7 lbs 15 oz July 9. So if you weighed 7 lbs and 3 oz, you would have been on track and back at your birth weight. I had to do the math here, but clearly you are healthy and growing quickly!

You had your first "tummy time". And you liked it! You're so strong, and you've been picking up your head off of our shoulders since week one. So I knew you'd love your tummy time :) You held your up most of the time, kicked your legs around to where you rotated almost half a circle; at one point I really thought you might roll over.

Your belly button fell off! Yay for not having to keep rolling your diaper down so it doesn't get irritated.

Your dad went back to work. He was so sad to leave you! We send him pictures of you all day long, and he loves seeing your sweet face while he's away.

You met the Millers. They're some of our best friends back home, and you'll spend lots of time with them in the future. They brought you a fun little book and more of the socks that you love.

You met your grandma, aunt Blair and you face timed with uncle Chris and Katie.

You're enjoying your baths more and more.

You sort of smiled!

 Love it when you open your eyes like this :)
 You've spent most of your week with grandma in this position :)

 so happy to see your daddy

 fun with the Millers
 bath time! (notice you don't have a sheet on your changing table...someone loves to pee every time her diaper comes off!)
 Your fave pose. Such a diva.
 Being sweet with aunt Blair.
 You LOVE this sling! And I love having you in it, because you're happy being held and I can have my hands free to do other things.

 Talking to uncle Chris...and getting to know Lo a little better :)

Your sort of smile. Pretty sure you were working something out, if you know what I mean, but still. It's cute!

Week Two

Dear V,

You're growing and have found your voice (unfortunately!). Kidding. Sort of :) You went from sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night to 2.5-3. Which is fine if you'll go back to sleep right after you eat. Sometimes you like to fuss for about 30-45 minutes and your dad gets to settle you down. I think you just like that time with your daddy, so you fuss on purpose :) You are still such a good baby though! We can't complain. You eat like a champ, you're filling out and you let us take you out and about. You've even been pretty tolerant of Lola, who is slowly starting to get over her fear of you.

Here are some pictures from your second week:

 I LOVE this picture of you! You look super surprised and it cracks me up for some reason.
 Go Team! Future cheerleader maybe???
 4th of July lounging...your dark blue eyes matched this dress perfectly.

 First Sbux outing (among many, I'm sure). Dad goes back to work on Monday (sad!), so I took you out by myself for the first time so I'm fully capable it's just you and me! This outing taught me one thing: I need a sling ASAP. The stroller is way too big for little outings like this!
 First happy hour! We got out for an early dinner last night. We got two glasses of wine in before you lost it. Which was just the amount of time we needed out of the house. So thank you :)
And then we crashed. You don't looooove to go back to sleep after your last feeding. So one of us usually gets up with you, but we decided to stay in bed since it's Saturday! Lazy morning :)

Happy two weeks little one.